Monday Morning Mindset – Human Capital Worth

This week focuses on knowing and understanding your human capital worth. In this difficult job economy, it’s important to understand and notate your knowledge, skills and abilities to your field of development. You are your best marketing manager. You have the ability to annotate everything that you “bring to the table.” Without you, an organization or company would be crippled in the ability to be successful. Make sure to notate all the projects, collateral duties and other contributions you make throughout the year. Employees are typically reviewed on an annual basis. The annual evaluation process is a form of documenting your human capital worth within the organization. The annual evaluation displays what you “brought to the table” for the entire year. It is your responsibility to dictate and annotate all contributing factors, which shows your human capital worth within the organization. When you start keeping track of your professional significance, your professional productivity will show your actual annual growth. The growth may come from personal accomplishments or professional accomplishments. Either way you will grow your human capital worth.