Forgiveness Friday – Finding Your Purpose

This week focuses on Finding Your Purpose. We often have a mixture of finding a purpose and pursuing our goals in our lives. Finding your purpose is apart of pursuing your goals. These both are among the same entities, but applying different attributes of your life determines what you do with opportunities you are aware of. Finding your purpose allows you to become more connected to your natural gifts and abilities. This also makes you more aware of your overall purpose in life. Pursuing your goals is a fundamental aspect of our human ability to feel successful. When you combined finding your purpose with achieving your growth goals, you end up matching your personality to your purpose. Too often, we don’t match our personality to our purpose; rather we receive and accept mediocrity as our ultimate achievement. Finding your purpose does not guarantee riches or fame, but you will receive a treasure of knowing exactly who you are and what your purpose is for your life. Everybody has a dream, whether it is to achieve success with an organization or to your own business. Although success comes in many different forms for different people, it’s important to respect the abilities of yourself and embrace the adversity of challenges. Your destiny is beckoning you to achieve your full purpose of understanding your natural abilities and matching your personality with your purpose. Forgive yourself today for the lack of awareness and choose to be more aware of opportunities that you may have otherwise missed in the pursuit of your goals.