New Year, New Attitude!

Every year, we strive for new goals. How about striving for a new attitude? An attitude, not merely a positive attitude – but, a better one? Being positive is more than just a state of mind. Being positive is about our interactions with ourselves, others and with difficult situations. We’re often told to “stay positive,” but no one ever tells you how to stay positive. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand that things are going to happen to you, good, bad, and indifferent. The ability to exercise self-control and realize that just because we fail or something negative happens to us, does not mean that we are bad people or that we have a bad experience entirely. Just as it is unhealthy to be Pollyannaish, it is equally unhealthy to be overly pessimistic. How do we balance the spectrum between being positive and being overwhelmed with life? The first step is to remember that there is something good in the situation that you can learn about yourself, others or how to handle the situation better in the future. The second part is to forgive yourself for being negative about a situation. The third part is to realize that your best is going to change from moment to moment. It comes with the realization that you are not a perfect being, none of us are. That is the beauty of life, we can do things differently and in a more positive aspect every time we engage or interact with the negative situation. Keep that in mind this new year, as you go into new challenges, new ventures, new relationships, new everything. Let’s be mindful of our emotional intelligence and our ability to control several aspects of a situation. Truth be told, you have more control over a situation than you think you do.

Reference: Bradberry, T. (2014). 3 Powerful Ways To Stay Positive. Retrieved 2019, from

Dr. Jenice Armstead, United States Navy Veteran

Poem: The Meaning

The graciousness to be love and feel love is with me

It is with me because of the unseen fore-being

Without ache or pain I am able to know thee

Understanding that the great pleasure is in the unseen


You are the heartbeat of my soul

In you I have divine rest which is untold

I know so to be truthful

And in that I have a divine call


With you I can do everything

Without you I can’t be anything

It is through you that I have meaning

It is by that I am all-things


Under the pressures of the world can be troubling

Without the untold story of enabling

Others have the ability to say mean things

But is it only through you that I am able


Thank you for being the meaning

Thank you for always understanding

Thank you for uplifting

It is in you that all things have meaning

By: Jenice Armstead

Monday Morning Mindset

An attitude of gratitude is more important to your physical health than you may realize. During this time of year, it is important to show gratitude for what, who and all of the blessings that you have. Gratefulness is contagious, show gratitude and you will be given more. How can you expect anything good to happen if you don’t have gratitude for what you have currently? You can always find something to be grateful for. No matter your situation, you can always be grateful. Make a “Grateful List” and keep it to remind yourself of all that you are grateful for. Here are a list of items I am grateful for each and every day, with this list you can add to it or change it to suit your personal goals in life or things that are most important to you.

My Grateful List
I am grateful for the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
I am grateful for a new day and new beginnings
I am grateful for forgiveness and peace
I am grateful for my good health
I am grateful for my sound mind, body and soul
I am grateful for my beautiful spirit
I am grateful for the beautiful spirits I will meet today
I am grateful for love, peace and joy
I am grateful for my success
I am grateful for my ability to motivate and inspire others
I am grateful for the ability to see, hear, smell and speak

Decide what you want from life, believe you can achieve it, and focus. Believe that you can have it, and know that you deserve it. Close your eyes several times a day and focus on having it. Visualize having it and feel grateful for having it right now. When you take the time to believe, receiving and achieving you will start to be more optimistic about your life.

All the Best,

Monday Morning Mindset

In an economy where you must “find a way or make a way,” it is important to understand your professional value. We all bring different attributes to “the table” when it comes to our field of choice, what we are good at and what we love to do. What are you good at? Take some time to find out. It is important to spend some quality time finding out what you are good at and what you are not so good at. One of the best ways to do this is to simply try.

That simple word, “Try!” Has been used many times in the negative condensation that it is perceived as a “bad word.” How may times have you heard someone or yourself saying “At least I tried!?” That gives the impression that it was all you could do. It is saying of defeat, when that is not the case at all. Succeeding isn’t in the “trying” it is in the “doing.” It is in the “doing” that you find out what you are good at.

Doing is how you find out if you have a natural gift for something, or if you need to practice. People that are good at what they do, either have a gift or have to practice. Either way, it is in the doing that they are truly successful. The key to success is in failing and then finding yourself. Failure is not a bad thing, it allows for you to see how you can improve yourself. Step out and find out, it is time to do more than try. It is time to do!

All the Best,


Monday Morning Mindset

Be careful not to complain in your thinking, doing and being. Complaining is a form of being stagnate in yourself. When you complain about something or someone, you are giving into the “lower” part of yourself. Instead of complaining about a situation or person, take some a moment to reflect on the good things about the situation or person. For example, if you are at a job that doesn’t pay enough you can take a few moments to write down all the things you are grateful about within the job. Such as, the knowing you have enough to eat and provide. If you have a complaint about your spouse not doing enough to help around the house you could make a list about all the wonderful qualities that made you fall in love with your spouse in the beginning of your relationship.

You may find that by taking a few moments to reflect on the situation or person that you are the one that causing the “friction.” It could be as simple as changing your attitude in the moment you are complaining. Your attitude has more to do with how you feel and react to a situation or person than you may think. With the “thankful lists” that you make, keep it handing when you start to complain. Sit down and read the list aloud. Take a moment; reflect on the situation and how you can make it better with some “self-realizations.” In all things, “give thanks” because there is always something good you can be thankful for in any and all situations.

All the Best,


Monday Morning Mindset

You Can – Poem by Jenice Armstead

You can
You absolutely can
You can because you believe that you can
You can because you remind yourself that you can
You are
You are because you say that you are
You are because you have no other choice but to be who you are
You will
You will because you have the ability to do so
You will because your spirit guides you
You know
You know because you have the wisdom of the world
You know because you have been there before
You know because you have told yourself that you know
You do
You do because you are able to
You do because you can
With the ability to do
And the wisdom to know
You can

Jenice R. Armstead
Copyright © 2013 By Jenice Renee Armstead

Monday Morning Mindset

Speaking truth starts with understanding what you feel about yourself and your abilities. There a ways to get your mind set for the weeks’ challenges. When dealing with difficult situations it is helpful to get somewhere quiet and ask yourself a few quick questions:

• Am I being kind to myself in this moment?
• Is this necessary to do?
• Does this situation make me whole?
• Is this true of my core self?

When asking yourself these questions remember that each situation in your life is not about how you act, but rather how you react to it. The best way to not draw offense from any situation is to find clarity from within. Speak aloud some positive affirmations about yourself such as “I am a kind person, I am a person of truth or I have the ability to overcome this situation and come up higher.” The ability to “self talk” in a positive manner can determine your ability to see the challenge as a benefit instead of a hindrance. Being mindful of yourself is the first step toward growing and becoming a better person. You will make mistakes, because you are human. It is okay to take a moment and gain clarity in a world full of challenges.

All the Best,

Fantastic Friday

Friday has finally come and now it is time relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor.  Friday is the day we all can’t wait to come and love to enjoy.  It is important to relax as much as you work.  Stress is not only hard on your body, but your mind as well.  Take some time this Friday to relax into yourself by reading a book, writing some poetry or doing something that you haven’t had a chance to do in a long time.  Enjoy some company with a friend, or take yourself out to dinner.  Whether you go out or stay in, enjoy your “Fantastic Friday” because you can.
