Thankful Thursday

Being thankful is more than words. Being thankful is a state of mind and being. To be truly thankful is to be a blessing everywhere you go to everyone you know or see. You can be thankful for your trial(s) without having a immediate break thru, but in the knowing that your break through is coming is how where the thankfulness is. Making a mindful method for being thankful can be as simple as finding something to be thankful for in your moment i.e. being thankful for your good health, good wealth and overall goodness in your life. Instead of finding fault or error in the “moment” look for what you are thankful for in the moment. Finding ways to be thankful will improve your outlook on your circumstances and your life overall. Psalm 100 says, “Be thankful and say so!” Thanksgiving is a mindset; choose your thoughts carefully throughout the day.

Have a Thankful Thursday,


Fantastic Friday

Friday has finally come and now it is time relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor.  Friday is the day we all can’t wait to come and love to enjoy.  It is important to relax as much as you work.  Stress is not only hard on your body, but your mind as well.  Take some time this Friday to relax into yourself by reading a book, writing some poetry or doing something that you haven’t had a chance to do in a long time.  Enjoy some company with a friend, or take yourself out to dinner.  Whether you go out or stay in, enjoy your “Fantastic Friday” because you can.
