Dr. Jenice Armstead is a self-published author, motivational speaker, Academic Business Department Chair and Professor with over 20 years professional experience in the public and private sector. Jenice’s writings cover her expertise in human resources, business management, the federal hiring process and government hiring reform. Her writings offer various human resources, business and federal explorations and presentations about how to understand, interpret and apply for federal positions. Jenice has a MBA with a Concentration in Human Resources from Saint Leo University and a Doctorate of Business Administration from Jones International University.
“Success comes in many different forums; some succeed at music others at a particular sport. My unexpected success came from creative writing. I have written on a number of topics including but not limited to human resources, business, and my personal life. I have written stories all my life since the tender young age of 5 years old. It was only recently that I decided to go all the way forward with a dream I had been “toying” with for a while and wrote my first book, which happens to be a cookbook.
Those that know me well may find that quite amusing for a few reasons. However, my personal note to you is of personal thanks for taking time out or your life to embrace my life. I hope you enjoy each & every word I write, because I do it for you.” -Jenice