Speaking truth starts with understanding what you feel about yourself and your abilities. There a ways to get your mind set for the weeks’ challenges. When dealing with difficult situations it is helpful to get somewhere quiet and ask yourself a few quick questions:
• Am I being kind to myself in this moment?
• Is this necessary to do?
• Does this situation make me whole?
• Is this true of my core self?
When asking yourself these questions remember that each situation in your life is not about how you act, but rather how you react to it. The best way to not draw offense from any situation is to find clarity from within. Speak aloud some positive affirmations about yourself such as “I am a kind person, I am a person of truth or I have the ability to overcome this situation and come up higher.” The ability to “self talk” in a positive manner can determine your ability to see the challenge as a benefit instead of a hindrance. Being mindful of yourself is the first step toward growing and becoming a better person. You will make mistakes, because you are human. It is okay to take a moment and gain clarity in a world full of challenges.
All the Best,