An attitude of gratitude is more important to your physical health than you may realize. During this time of year, it is important to show gratitude for what, who and all of the blessings that you have. Gratefulness is contagious, show gratitude and you will be given more. How can you expect anything good to happen if you don’t have gratitude for what you have currently? You can always find something to be grateful for. No matter your situation, you can always be grateful. Make a “Grateful List” and keep it to remind yourself of all that you are grateful for. Here are a list of items I am grateful for each and every day, with this list you can add to it or change it to suit your personal goals in life or things that are most important to you.
My Grateful List
I am grateful for the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
I am grateful for a new day and new beginnings
I am grateful for forgiveness and peace
I am grateful for my good health
I am grateful for my sound mind, body and soul
I am grateful for my beautiful spirit
I am grateful for the beautiful spirits I will meet today
I am grateful for love, peace and joy
I am grateful for my success
I am grateful for my ability to motivate and inspire others
I am grateful for the ability to see, hear, smell and speak
Decide what you want from life, believe you can achieve it, and focus. Believe that you can have it, and know that you deserve it. Close your eyes several times a day and focus on having it. Visualize having it and feel grateful for having it right now. When you take the time to believe, receiving and achieving you will start to be more optimistic about your life.
All the Best,