Today’s Forgiveness Friday focuses on “excepting imperfections.” We all have the ability to strive for perfection. In striving for perfection, we must also realize that is ultimately impossible to do anything perfectly. It is time for the acceptance of imperfections and to allow our imperfections to enable us to be better today than yesterday. Our ability to strive for perfection comes from the notion that we must be better than somebody else. The realization that everybody has innately natural gifts which allow for everyone to bring a little bit of something different to the table. This enables us to appreciate other people’s gifts, abilities and thought patterns. Imperfections are not weaknesses, and rather they are a reminder of our need for one another. It is time to forgive yourself for the imperfect thought of perfection being necessary. Take some time and examine your imperfections, and then find the best parts of the imperfections and use them to grow. It’s important to remember that everybody isn’t good at everything all the time. Embrace your imperfections, share them with people that can grow and learn from them. The truth is you are imperfectly perfect just the way you are, live and grow in that truth.