Forgiveness Friday

Today, take the time to forgive yourself for past faults. Forgive yourself for past mistakes, past miscommunications and past judgments. Today is a gift that you will not get back, because tomorrow – today will be the past. The past is one of our greatest life teachers. The past allows for us to reflect on how we could have handled a situation better, how we could have not reacted or how much we still have to learn. But, today choose to forgive yourself, others and adverse situations for not being or doing what you now know and have the full understanding of. Choose to do yourself a favor, and let it go to forgiveness.


Frantic Friday Frenzy

Today starts the infamous “Black Friday” craze, where everyone stays up to the wee hours of the morning and shops until they drop. But, the real question is: Do you really have to go out to get the deals that you want? The answers is: no! With “Gray Thursday, Black Friday, Cyber Sunday and Monday, and Small Business Saturday” you can almost guarantee that you will still get the deals you want throughout the Thanksgiving weekend and week after as well.

The key to a successful shopping experience during this time of year is having a strategy. Know where you want to go, have a budget, make a list, print out and bring coupons, and research “BOGO” sales. Buy one, get one sales are more popular than ever before. Many stores and businesses offer BOGOs on products you already use and want. They want your return business. This shopping season is all about getting and keeping YOU, the customer wanting more. Be mindful when shopping this holiday season.

Have a good time and be financially responsible. Remember, that credit card statement will be waiting for you at the end of the month. Make sure that you are not setting yourself up for end of year “Holiday Dread” of paying for everything that you think you needed, and could have waited to purchase.


Fantastic Friday

Friday has finally come and now it is time relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor.  Friday is the day we all can’t wait to come and love to enjoy.  It is important to relax as much as you work.  Stress is not only hard on your body, but your mind as well.  Take some time this Friday to relax into yourself by reading a book, writing some poetry or doing something that you haven’t had a chance to do in a long time.  Enjoy some company with a friend, or take yourself out to dinner.  Whether you go out or stay in, enjoy your “Fantastic Friday” because you can.
