Olivia Travel is one of the most exquisite cruises you may ever go on, if you are an open and proud lesbian that is. For those of you that have never heard of Olivia Travel, this is where lesbians go to vacation for all exclusive reasons. Olivia is where lesbians can just be a lesbians with no strings attached (No punt intended). The Olivia Travel charters a ship or entire resort to cater to ALL lesbian women. When I realized this my head nearly popped right off of my shoulders!
My wife and I recently got married and wanted to do something really special to celebrate our new life together. We had been putting off an Olivia Travel cruise for sometime, and wanted to make sure that we were able to enjoy ourselves entirely, financially speaking. When some of our lesbian friends heard we were going on an Olivia Travel cruise we got some “hairy eyeballs” and the “Look of disgust.” To be frank, Olivia Travel Cruises and Resorts are not cheap. In fact, they are double if not triple the cost of your average cruise. But, that is just the point. Olivia Travel is NOT your average cruise you would normally book. There is good reason for the extensive cost.
With an Olivia Travel cruise or resort you are quite literally paying for exclusivity and the able to “Feel Free” as the Olivia Travel phrase states on all of their “first time” travelers pink bracelets. The entertainment is lesbian derived and all port calls are gay-friendly. No need to “fake the funk” with this crowd. Just to be clear, I do NOT work for Olivia Travel nor any affiliated companies. These are merely my opinions from my experiences of my Olivia Travel Cruise. That being said, I figured why not write a short blog about my experiences. Then I thought, one blog wouldn’t be enough. To really get the full effect of the experiences I would have to blog about each and everyday of the cruise.
So, on behalf of all of the women that have never experienced an Olivia Travel trip, I will do a “Day by Day” feedback and review of my experiences on the last Olivia Travel cruise: Feb 1 – 8, Caribbean Equality and Leadership Cruise. I hope you enjoy my feedback and reviews. Stay tuned for Day 1: Feb 1 Feedback and Review.
For more information go to: Olivia Cruises and Resorts
All the Best,
Jenice Armstead
Olivia Travel
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