Thoughtful Tuesday – Blackness


In the still of the night there was blackness

Blackness was and is the beginning of life

The earth and heavens were created out of blackness

The colors all migrate to blackness

A baby is conceived in blackness

The thought of a subconscious mind is pooled with blackness

Growth is in blackness

Your most informative self is derived from blackness

Your nutrition is distributed in blackness

You are all considered blackness from the original people

All good comes from blackness

All is black

All will return to being subdued blackness

Blackness is beautiful

By: Jenice Armstead

Two-Cent Tuesday

Each of us has the ability to visualize.  One can think of a rose, either to picture it or feel it, it is all about focus and staying focused on the object and start to see and smell it as if it were in front of your face.  This is the process one would use in order to become more aware of the energy in and around the current environment. You can learn to feel the emotional energy in a room of people using the same process, by picking out which person is emitting energy that is feeling anxiety, upset, or joy. You can learn to change the effect of that energy by closing your eyes, focusing with precision on the energy that is bothering you, and changing its impact with your mind. Just as you can close your eyes and visualize and smell a rose, so can you use the process of visualization to heal people and work on energy that you do not like, or would like to evolve in your being.

Two-Cent Tuesday

Education comes in all arrays of quality. We all know that education is vital in today’s job market and education is important for many different reasons. The fact is you don’t have to have a degree to be considered educated, but you do have to have proof that you completed the educational program that which you are claiming you acquired the knowledge from.

During interviews selecting officials will want to know: What courses you liked most while attending school? and What courses did you least like? This question is steered toward the selecting official finding out more about you and what types of interests you have. This could be a mode of examining your personality traits or it could mean more. It all depends on what type of job you are interviewing for.

The next question of: Why did you choose your course of study? This question is pretty self explanatory, in the fact that the selecting official wants to know why you choose the course of study that you did. This question is asked with the intentions of understanding the applicant’s passion. Be honest and be short. Don’t give a long answer, the selecting official doesn’t want to know your whole life story. Keep it short and sweet unless they ask additional questions, if more questions are asked in this regard – make is short and sweet.

The selecting official wants to know if you prepared for the interview and what you did to prepare. So they will ask you to discuss your background in terms of how it has prepared you for the job you are applying. This is a question of character and needs to be explained in general detail. For example, if you were applying for a information technician position you would discuss your certifications and repeat your answer of your educational background this would be of great help. Talk about what you desired to be as a young adult and elaborate job history details – even if you have already discussed your job history – repeat yourself. Selecting officials love it when you repeat facts, because it reassures them you are telling the truth.

REMEMBER: BE HONEST. You will be selected over another candidate who wasn’t as truthful. The truth will allow you to shine and become employed faster than not being honest at all.

Two-Cent Tuesday

What is “Job Classification” you ask? I am glad you did. Job classification & qualifications are the “well oiled engines” that make a human resources department run smoothly. Job classification is how job descriptions are created for organizations employees. Job classification determines employee job responsibilities, duties, pay grade level and other important aspects of employee rights. Many employees are unaware of how job descriptions are created. Simply put, job descriptions are created by using job classifications.

Job classifications are ever changing and developing with the needs of an organization. Job classification is the outline for how and what a job description will state for employee development and promotion. Job or position classification standards include a plethora of information such as determining employee work schedule, Fair Labor Standards Act information, grade/wage promotion ability and exempt or non-exempt position status. In all, job classification is a full time, skilled ability that takes many years to perfect. With economy changes, job classification changes for organizational structure.

For more information on job classification check out the government site: Office of Personnel Management


Two Cents

Two Cents