Two-Cents Tuesday – Growth

Taking the time to grow requires the ability to understand oneself from a deeper level. Growing requires struggle, challenges, understanding and the ability to realize that time is of the essence. With growth comes pain, and happiness. The pain is outlined in one’s ability to realize one’s weaknesses, and decide to come up higher in the strengths. In life’s, weaknesses there are the appearances of flaws in oneself. The truth is; weaknesses teach us more about ourselves than being perfect does. With growth comes change, with change, comes uncertainty and with uncertainty comes a decision to come up higher. Today, decide to take a deep self-reflection of who you are and who you want to be in this life.

Dr. Jaye

Two-Cents Tuesday

There are some key aspects to understanding when and how to apply to federal jobs. Federal jobs can be local, state and Nationally announced positions. You need to understand the position for which you are applying for by doing some research on the position, you will gain a better idea for what the job will entail and how the organization functions. Contrary to what economics may portray, the economy is growing. The middle class is all-apart of strengthening the entire economy. Start with, there you can do a “Job search” for the field for which you are interested. There are plenty of opportunities to apply for. The federal hiring process can be a bit confusing, but with research and dedication you can find the career that you are qualified.

For more on the Federal Hiring Reform go to : Office of Personnel Management 

Or you may contact me directly
Jenice Armstead

Two-Cent Tuesday

In the military, military personnel have had many jobs they have obtained while on active and reserve duty. Many military personnel are being discharged from the military with little to no information on how to convert their military experience into tangible information for the civilian sector. There are key words and phrases that will make you a “stick out” in the civilian world than the typical military terms a militant person is use to using. There are easy ways to convert your military experience into a civilian resume. This article will assist you with doing just that.

At first you as a military person may feel that your experience makes perfect sense and is easy to read, but it’s not. I am a 10 year military veteran whom realized once I as honorably discharged from the United States Navy how different the military was from the civilian sector in speaking of experience. I had to learn the hard way that the civilian sector is nothing like the military. All of my (KSAs) knowledge, abilities and skills were vastly different and diverse. I had to break my experience down by what it was, instead of the time period. Many military person work in different positions during a duty station and this experience should be broadcasted by the experience instead of by time period.

I served as a Yeoman Second Class with a Seabee Combat Warfare specialty. If you’re confused in reading this, so were the civilians whom received my resume. They didn’t know what a Yeoman Second Class was equivalent to in the civilian sector and that’s where I had to start. I went to the library or online and I got the book: Job Search, Marketing Your Military Experience By David G. Henderson. This book gives excellent information on how to convert your military experience into civilian jargon that anyone will be able to understand. This book is for all military forces not only Navy.

Next, do some research on your specialty and get detailed in explaining your exact experience. If you Google “Job Descriptions” you will find a ton of examples of free pre-written job descriptions. Copy and paste the job description and use it to help you make a resume template for yourself. It works and it’s easy.

Then, combine all of the experience together and make three resumes. Make a 1 page resume that is an overview of all of your experience to date. Make a 3 a page resume with a little more detail. Then make a resume with all of the experience you have starting from your very first job ever. If you need more information, or have a question you may contact me anytime. Happy job hunting.

Two-Cent Tuesday

Education comes in all arrays of quality. We all know that education is vital in today’s job market and education is important for many different reasons. The fact is you don’t have to have a degree to be considered educated, but you do have to have proof that you completed the educational program that which you are claiming you acquired the knowledge from.

During interviews selecting officials will want to know: What courses you liked most while attending school? and What courses did you least like? This question is steered toward the selecting official finding out more about you and what types of interests you have. This could be a mode of examining your personality traits or it could mean more. It all depends on what type of job you are interviewing for.

The next question of: Why did you choose your course of study? This question is pretty self explanatory, in the fact that the selecting official wants to know why you choose the course of study that you did. This question is asked with the intentions of understanding the applicant’s passion. Be honest and be short. Don’t give a long answer, the selecting official doesn’t want to know your whole life story. Keep it short and sweet unless they ask additional questions, if more questions are asked in this regard – make is short and sweet.

The selecting official wants to know if you prepared for the interview and what you did to prepare. So they will ask you to discuss your background in terms of how it has prepared you for the job you are applying. This is a question of character and needs to be explained in general detail. For example, if you were applying for a information technician position you would discuss your certifications and repeat your answer of your educational background this would be of great help. Talk about what you desired to be as a young adult and elaborate job history details – even if you have already discussed your job history – repeat yourself. Selecting officials love it when you repeat facts, because it reassures them you are telling the truth.

REMEMBER: BE HONEST. You will be selected over another candidate who wasn’t as truthful. The truth will allow you to shine and become employed faster than not being honest at all.

Two-Cent Tuesday

Interview Like a Pro

Are you looking for more interview guidance that will actually work and get you that job? There are a few key items that must be taken into careful thought. It is important to realize that in today’s job market you must have some type of people skills. You must know how to have a conversation with just about anyone at just about any time. The truth of the matter is that today’s job market is full of unconventional opportunities. You must be ready for any type of interview, at all times. You have to be personable, approachable and presentable at all times.

When I say all times, I mean at ALL times. For example, while shopping for groceries in a super market you could be approached by a random person that strikes up small talk with you, and before you know it you find yourself in a “mini interview” situation. You could even have a small conversation with someone at a gas station. Gas station!? You ask? I say with great affirmation, YES! You could have a “mini interview” even at a gas station. Managers and recruiters are everywhere.

It is a good practice to keep business cards and resumes with you at all times. I have business cards for just about everything, including when I meet a new friend and want to exchange information with them. I have a business card for my academics, photography business and for my personal websites. You must always be ready for the unexpected interview or networking opportunity anywhere, with anyone and in any situation at all times. This is one of the reasons why I have created these easy to use and follow booklets.

With the Pep Talks Book Series, you can be ready at all times. With helpful inside, interview tips and advice, examples and interactive questions to help with the interview process toward getting the position that you have been dreaming of. You have just opened “unseen” doors for yourself, and your interviewing skill sets will improve with using the Pep Talks Book Series.

Book Excerpt: Pep Talks Business Series 

Pep Talks: Answering the Hard Questions

Pep Talks: Business Series

Two-Cent Tuesday

How happy are you with your life? Your career? Your relationships? Your success? I have come to a realization that will change how and what I do for the rest of my life. I have realized that true happiness comes from being genuinely happy by removing selfishness from my life. You have the power to release “strong holds” on your life by taking a simple inventory of yourself. How often do you look to be a blessing or good to others? One of the quickest ways I have found to increase my happiness is to purposely look to be a blessing to others just because.

There are a number of ways to do this: Smiling and saying hello to a someone you don’t know, asking the checkout clerk “How are you doing today?” or simply waking up in the morning and choosing to think about all the people and blessings you are thankful for. It is time for all of us to remove selfishness from our lives and go back to the basics of happiness.

Try it and you will be surprised at how much your happiness will increase when you begin to recognize and remove selfishness from your everyday life. That is my two-cents on selfishness.

All the Best,

Two-Cent Tuesday

Attending the movies has become a deadly accordance in today’s society. You never know the state of mind of the person sitting next to you, behind you or walking into the movie theater. I have attended many movies at The Grove. This movie theater is located in a shopping plaza 8 miles from my home in Tampa, Fl. Yesterday afternoon while attending a movie with his wife, a man was fatally shot by another movie goer for using a cell phone during the previews of the movie. It is with a heavy heart that I realized that in this situation the one thing that could have assisted the situation almost immediately would have been the use of self-control.

The “Spirit” of self-control is a method of understanding and common sense. We as human beings have been given the “Spirit” of self-control and it is used to assist our experiences with enlightened minds. Self-control is not always easy, or the most popular thing to exercise. But, the learned use of self-control can assist many difficult situations, and prevent violent and deadly misunderstandings. That’s my two-cents on the situation.


Two-Cent Tuesday

Employment may by be difficult to find, especially if you are a veteran of the military forces. The website Vet Jobs, assists veterans to decipher between private-sector jobs and public-sector jobs. This website allows veterans to determine the type of positions that they want to apply for and go directly to the website and apply for the positions. Understanding the different types of jobs veterans are eligible to apply for can be a little difficult to understand.

The key for applying to positions as a veteran is to look at the eligibility and qualifications section. This section of the job announcement gives more clarification to section ability. Make sure to always look at the eligibility and qualification factors when applying to any job announcement. Happy job hunting.

For more information: Vet Jobs


Two-Cent Tuesday

Two-Cent Tuesday

June 26, 2013, was a historical day in our great Nation. The Supreme Court ruled that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional. Marriage is being re-defined as simply “Loving Relationships.” On Nov 14, 2013 in a private ceremony I wedded my beloved “Husbian.” We have been together for 11 years and in the span of those 11 years anything could have happened. In the 11 years my “Better Half” and I have been together we have been through many trials. Our military careers were threaten, my “Better Half” had 3 major surgeries which disabled her from walking for up to 3 – 6 months each surgery, we were not covered by any spousal benefits, no income tax acknowledgements and a series of other personal dilemmas came against us. But, you know what “they” say? Love will always prevail!

Many of those whom are legally married are protected and afforded rights and liberties; we still have along way to go for marriage to be legal for everyone in all states and countries. The world has a lot to change, including worrying about who I love and who loves me unconditionally. Rights and liberties are for all, not only for those who feel they deserve them – but each and every one of us. Until this is fully understood, how love is defined love will continue to be divided.

Office of Personnel Management Same Sex Marriage Benefits

All the Best,
Jenice Armstead-McGinnis

