About Jenice Armstead

Dr. Jenice Armstead is a military veteran, author, motivational speaker, Professor and Academic Business Department Chair with over 17 years professional experience in the public and private sector. Jenice’s expertise covers human resources, business management, the federal hiring process and government hiring policy. She understands the significance of human capital value for organizational development. She has an exceptional aptitude for teaching difficult topics with practical approaches. Jenice has a MBA with a Concentration in Human Resources from Saint Leo University and a Doctorate of Business Administration from Jones International University.

Forgiveness Friday – Understanding Humility

This week focuses on understanding humility. Humility is something we normally don’t think of as an attribute. But, humility is something that we must all obtain in order to learn more about others and ourselves. A humble mine is able to learn and grow, it also ensures the ability to commit one self to further and deeper understandings for richer relationships. Humility is not a weakness; it is something that takes strength. We must try to consciously be aware of humility when having a conversation or interacting with others. When you’re humble you’re able to come up higher and gain a deeper understanding of self. A humble mine doesn’t always have to be right, or be the one to call out someone else’s flaws. Today forgive yourself or others for not practicing humility as much as they should. Take a moment to think of ways that you could practice more humility in your everyday life. This will help you be more aware of areas where growth and development are possible. Remember, humility gives way to a richer and deeper understanding of oneself and others.

How to Answer Key Interview Questions: Education

We all know that education is vital in today’s job market. The fact is education comes in all arrays of quality and may be obtain in a variety of ways. You don’t have to have a degree to be considered educated, but you do have to have proof that you completed an educational program for which you are claiming you acquired the knowledge from.

During your interviews selecting officials may want to know: What courses you liked most while attending school? What courses did you like least? These questions are steered toward the selecting official finding out more about you and what types topics interests you. This could be a mode of examining your personality traits or rating your ability to be trained on the job you are interviewing for.

The next possible question: Why did you choose your course of study? This question is geared toward the selecting official gaining a deeper understanding of your professional agenda. This question is asked with the intentions of understanding the applicant’s passion for the field. Be honest and be short. Don’t give a long answer; the selecting official doesn’t want to know your entire educational background, only what pertains to the position you are applying for. Keep it short and sweet unless asked additional questions. Examples of experiences with training programs should show what you learned and how you applied the knowledge.

Selecting officials want to know if you prepared for the interview. Make sure to practice answering these questions on your own or with a friend. It is helpful to use an audio device for you to review and critique yourself. This will improve you interviewing skills.

Happy Job Hunting,

How to Answer Key Interview Questions: Training Information

Training and education are core elements of the job force. Without training and education work experience will only get you so far. With training, education and experience you will practically be handed more opportunities than you will know what to do with. But, inflating education and training accomplishments on your resume will hurt you in the long run. Be honest and factual with what you have been trained on and what you need training in. Always include On the Job Training (OJT), this is as valuable as formal education.

Some questions you will be asked: What training have you had including grade school or college? Many applicants are finding that they need additional education and training, but experience goes hand and hand with education and training. With this question you need to elaborate on any certifications you many have as well as any courses online you have taken as well. Online courses from an accredited school are important to discuss. There are ways of obtain knowledge if you have not obtained formal education

Interviewers will also ask you: What workshops, OJT or other training do you have? This is an open-ended question targeted toward learning more about ability to be trained. If you are human resources professional, they will want to know if you have been to any staffing or employee relations workshops. If you are information technology professional they will want to know if you have been to any fiber optic, customer service or trouble shooting workshops. If you haven’t been to any workshops or OJT, state that and also state your interest in developing your skills for the benefit of the company. The new job market wants to understand your ability to want to learn and grow as well has your past training background.

One of the last questions you WILL be asked is: Do you have any skills that are not listed on your resume or in your application? This is a great opportunity for you to “talk yourself up.” This means that you have an opportunity to talk as much about you and your skills and how unique you are. This is your time to shine, so don’t put every single detail on your resume. Give yourself some “room” to talk about yourself.

Happy Job Hunting

How to Answer Key Interview Questions: Work Experience

We all have had an interview at one time or another in our professional careers. Interviews are hard enough as it is with getting through the first cuts of other qualified applicants, now that you have the interview all set up there are some questions that will be asked of you during the interview. The key to an interview is not one single thing, yet many items that you will be evaluated on.

Work Experience

Your work experience will be the first items up for “conversation” after the small talk with a selecting official. They will want to know: Why are you interested in the job? This isn’t a trick question; it’s a question the selecting official really wants to know. Are you looking for a career change? Are you looking for a new position because you were laid off? The key to answering this question is to be honest, don’t give your whole life story – but be honest.
Many government agencies like to know that the applicants have done some research on the organization. So, the next question will likely be: Why are you interested in working for this organization? This is an open ended question that can be short and sweet. You should make some kind of reference to the research you have done on the organization. For example, if you are interviewing for a Fire Fighter position – you could answer with something to the reference of “I am interested in working for this organization because I agree with the mission statement of saving lives and preserving the wild life.” Yes, it is cheesy, but if it’s true you should say it. Again, you need to be as professionally honest as possible. This will also come into handy with the next question: What do you know about the company? You will be able to elaborate on the previous answer you gave about the previous question.

The next question is vitally important: What do you feel you can contribute to this organization? This is a question that you MUST answer with YOU in mind for what YOU can contribute to the company. For many selecting officials this question is a “make or break” factor. If an applicant starts with what they feel they need from a company instead of what they CAN and WILL contribute to a company, the interview will be cut short. The key is to stay focused on what YOU can BRING to the COMPANY, not what you want from the company.

There are a series of questions that are often asked in conjunction with each other: Why did you leave you last job? What would your last employer say about you? Would your last employer re-hire you? And Give me an example of a situation where you had to make a decision? What was the situation? What was the decision? And what was the result? Now, these questions are called “character questions.” These are designed to “weed out” the real applicants from those whom have not been so honest during the interview. The best advice I can give is to be honest, have professional examples in mind before the interview and take your time answering the questions. You can ask the selecting official to re-state the questions, you can write the questions down and you have all the time in the world. REMEMBER: YOU are there because they saw something in your resume, phone interview or overall application that they liked.

Happy Job Hunting,

Jenice Armstead

Monday Morning Mindset – Keeping a Positive Attitude

This week focuses on keeping a positive attitude. Your attitude is the one thing that nobody or nothing can change without your permission. You have ultimate control over the attitude that you have within any given situation. If somebody cuts you off while driving, you have an opportunity to keep a positive attitude and ensure that you pay attention to the traffic ahead instead of getting road rage. Ultimately, there’s nothing you can do about anybody else’s attitude, but you do have control over your own attitude in relation to dealing with people, situations, and adverse events. It’s important to do a attitude check when you feel yourself getting angry or frustrated. Ask yourself “why am I frustrated” or “what is causing my negative attitude change.” Once you’re able to understand what you trigger points are, you’re able to figure out ways to stay positive with in those situations. It’s important to promote a “positive self-talk” attitude. Thinking of an accomplishment or a happy memory assist with improving your attitude almost immediately. Overall, it’s important to remember that you and you alone have the power to change your attitude for the better within any situation.

Forgiveness Friday – Finding Your Purpose

This week focuses on Finding Your Purpose. We often have a mixture of finding a purpose and pursuing our goals in our lives. Finding your purpose is apart of pursuing your goals. These both are among the same entities, but applying different attributes of your life determines what you do with opportunities you are aware of. Finding your purpose allows you to become more connected to your natural gifts and abilities. This also makes you more aware of your overall purpose in life. Pursuing your goals is a fundamental aspect of our human ability to feel successful. When you combined finding your purpose with achieving your growth goals, you end up matching your personality to your purpose. Too often, we don’t match our personality to our purpose; rather we receive and accept mediocrity as our ultimate achievement. Finding your purpose does not guarantee riches or fame, but you will receive a treasure of knowing exactly who you are and what your purpose is for your life. Everybody has a dream, whether it is to achieve success with an organization or to your own business. Although success comes in many different forms for different people, it’s important to respect the abilities of yourself and embrace the adversity of challenges. Your destiny is beckoning you to achieve your full purpose of understanding your natural abilities and matching your personality with your purpose. Forgive yourself today for the lack of awareness and choose to be more aware of opportunities that you may have otherwise missed in the pursuit of your goals.

Monday Morning Mindset – Motivating Yourself

This week focuses on Motivating yourself. Motivation is more than getting a pep talk from friends or family members. Motivation truly comes when you decide to do something when you don’t have the feelings of wanting to do it. When you decide to do something, it takes motivation to keep doing it. It is important find ways of motivating yourself. Often we have a support system or family members encouraging us to do better and strive for more. There will be times where you will need to find the courage within yourself to “self-motivate.” Instead of depending on others to motivate you, make a list of motivational factors to remind you of your end goal and how close you are to achieving your goal.

Forgiveness Friday – True Self

This week focuses on the true self. Being true to your self requires many things. First, there must be an awareness of not being true to oneself. Second, there must be acceptance for past behaviors. Finally, there must be a plan for awareness. Being true to oneself means that you realize that you have the ability to be and do more in your life. Self-respect is an attribute for becoming more aware and the plan for receiving more awareness requires attention. You become more aware of your actions when you choice to not react to a situation from mere emotions. When you realize that feelings are fickle, you begin to go deeper and come up to your true self.

Monday Morning Mindset – Human Capital Worth

This week focuses on knowing and understanding your human capital worth. In this difficult job economy, it’s important to understand and notate your knowledge, skills and abilities to your field of development. You are your best marketing manager. You have the ability to annotate everything that you “bring to the table.” Without you, an organization or company would be crippled in the ability to be successful. Make sure to notate all the projects, collateral duties and other contributions you make throughout the year. Employees are typically reviewed on an annual basis. The annual evaluation process is a form of documenting your human capital worth within the organization. The annual evaluation displays what you “brought to the table” for the entire year. It is your responsibility to dictate and annotate all contributing factors, which shows your human capital worth within the organization. When you start keeping track of your professional significance, your professional productivity will show your actual annual growth. The growth may come from personal accomplishments or professional accomplishments. Either way you will grow your human capital worth.

Thankful Thursday – Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. This week’s Thankful Thursday focuses on giving thanks. Today is a day of Thanksgiving and we all can find something to be thankful for. Being thankful is a state of mind and involves direct thought towards an awareness of thankfulness. Being thankful is something that we can do in our everyday lives in small or large ways in order to acknowledge the goodness in our lives. It’s important to have intended thought and understanding for how your thankfulness may grown. Many people are thankful to be alive and others are thankful that they survived a tragic event. In the Bible it discusses many ways to show and give thanks. In the Word, it says to give thanks in all circumstances for God is good all the time and all the time God is good. In Psalms 107:1 it says “oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love indoors forever.” In Ephesians 5:20 says “giving thanks always for everything to God the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” and in Colossians 3:15 – 17 it says and “let the peace of Christ rule your hearts, to which indeed you are called and one body and be thankful.” It has been entrenched in history and in our very being to give and show thanks at all times. Reflect on this Thanksgiving Day for what you are thankful for and how you can give thanks in your everyday life.

Less Doing & More Being

Today we reflect on the actions of misunderstandings and are in need of more healing and forgiveness. Misunderstandings are the direct result of a lack of ability to properly communicate the human need for connection. The human connection is more vital in our current times than ever before. Now, we need to express ourselves in a way that will affirm our future. Our youth need guidance and to be affirmed about their ability to be successful. There needs to be a conversation about equality, rights, and the comprehension of fairness. Now is a pivotal moment in history to outline a path engraved with wisdom and forgiveness. All of these attributes will provide structure for personal awareness and leadership. The key notion to take from the actions of the past is to realize that it is important to be more in the most volatile moments of our experiences. It is time to come up higher, be more, react less, and extend understanding for deeper connections to that, which is broken.

All the Best,


Monday Morning Mindset – Developing Structure for Goals

Jenice Armstead

This week focuses on developing structure. It is important to develop structure in our lives to become practical about the realizations of our dreams and goals. We all want to strive and grow in our relationships, business field and emotional health. It is important to take time out to critically think about what makes you happy in your life. Think about the joy of doing what you love to do in your life. We all have aspirations of “coming up higher” in our awareness for our own greatness. Make sure to make a daily, weekly or a monthly habit of practically attaining your dreams and goals. Listen to your inner voice and take note of your hunches and gut feelings. When you take time to think about attaining your goals in a practical and structured manner you were able to assist with defining your path for success.

Forgiveness Friday – Making Excuses

This week focuses on forgiveness for making excuses. Excuses are like opinions, everybody has one. The problem comes when we make excuses for things that we know we should be doing for ourselves in our lives. You may be making excuses for reasons for why you’re in debt instead of making a plan on how to get out of debt. You may be making excuses for why you can’t lose weight instead of focusing on eating healthy. You may be making excuses for why you haven’t received a promotion at work instead of improving your job skills by obtaining more education or on the job training. No matter your excuse the only way to find a solution for the problem is to forgive yourself for making excuses and come up with a plan on how to obtain your goals. Many times when we face something head on and stop making excuses for it we become an inspiration for others. Many people struggle with similar problems. Instead of focusing on making excuses, focus on how to overcome your excuses with solutions.

Wisdom Wednesday: Documents Required for Applying to Government Jobs

Merit Promotion (Current & Past Federal Employees or Eligible Veteran Status)

There are many documents that are required by government agencies for applications. It is important you understand the difference in required documents for a Merit announcement you are applying to, and a DEU announcement.  I have listed the required documents and if you all have any additional questions, pls email or comment and I will ensure you get an answer. I am HERE for YOU.

– If you are applying for consideration as a Veteran under the Veterans’ Employment Opportunity Act (VEOA) or Veterans’ Recruitment Appointment (VRA), you MUST submit evidence of eligibility, such as: DD-214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, or Standard Form 15, Application for 10-Point Veteran Preference, and the proof requested on the form.

– If you are applying for consideration under a special hiring authority such as a person with a disability, Peace Corp or Vista volunteer, you MUST submit the appropriate supporting documentation to be considered by the closing date of this vacancy announcement; e.g. “certification” statement (contact your Vocational Rehabilitation Office) that identifies you as a person with a disability and that describes your ability to perform the essential duties of this position, Standard Form-50, etc.

– If you applying for consideration as a Career Transition Assistance Program (CTAP) or the Interagency Career Transition Assistance Program (ICTAP) eligible, you MUST submit the appropriate supporting documentation as proof of program eligibility.

– If you are applying and are a current or former federal employee with Career or Career-Conditional status, submit your most recent SF-50, “Notification of Personnel Action”, (NOT an award SF-50) which shows your status.

– If you are qualifying with education, you must submit a copy of your college transcripts.

– If the position you are applying for requires specific NWCG red card qualifications or training, you must provide a copy of your IQCS report.

Delegating Examining Unit (Open to ALL Public Candidates)

– If you are applying for Veteran Preference, you MUST submit evidence of eligibility, such as; DD-214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, or Standard Form 15, Application for 10-Point Veteran Preference, and the proof requested on the form. You must clearly identify your claim for veterans preference on your application.

KEEP IN MIND: ANSWERS TO YOUR JOB QUESTIONS MUST BE SUPPORTED IN YOUR RESUME. If your answer(s) are not supported in your resume, or you fail to follow the instructions for the question(s), agencies will lower your answer(s) to reflect what was provided, for failure to follow instructions.  Stay motivated and GO GET YOUR GOVERNMENT JOB.

For more information: USAJOBS FAQs

Monday Morning Mindset – Setting Your Mind

This week focuses on setting your mind and keeping it set. Focusing your mind is easier than it sounds. Some key elements to assist with focusing the mind are to outline your goals for a specific time line. When you have set goals you are able to achieve more and be more productive. Way too often we take on new projects or responsibilities with no outline of the objectives or goals towards attaining the goal. Whether you have a daily schedule, a weekly schedule, or a monthly schedule it is important to outline your goals with specific timelines to allow you to allocate appropriate time towards achieving the goals. This is a tool for setting your mind to complete the goal, and then keeping it set on completing your objectives for achieving the goal.

Forgiveness Friday – The Complaining Habit

This week focuses on releasing the complaining habit. In these times that we live in, complaining is something of the normal for people to do without thinking. Complaining obstructs your ability to see the good in the situation or a relationship. By complaining you allow negative thoughts and adverse actions to be welcomed into your personal arena. Forgiveness of the complaining habit is something that needs to be done on purpose and with an active conscious thought. The moment you think or feel a reason to complain about a situation or person, take a moment and think about the goodness of the situation or the relationship. Instead of complaining about where you’re not and past failures, think about how far you’ve come and the accomplishments you’ve made. Keeping a positive attitude is part of the development of releasing the complaining habit in your life. A spiritual advisor informed me that complaining is a close relative to offense. Offense is something that may come about in many situations where you have a good reason, but the key is to not reason with complaints and offenses rather than to release them. Forgive yourself for easily complaining and easily be offended. It is now time to focus on doing more good and speaking more positivity into your life.

Monday Morning Mindset – Doing What You Need To Do

This week focuses on doing what you need to when you don’t feel like doing it. We all have responsibilities, which we have designated or allocated our time for. Whether it is to attend a business meeting, go to the gym, clean your house, help a friend or set-aside time for personal responsibilities. We all have times where we don’t feel like fulfilling our responsibilities. This is when you need to ensure you are aware of your thoughts behind your feelings of discarding responsibilities. It’s important to understand that your mind is not mutually exclusive from your feelings. Your mind has the tendency to create reasoning and doubt for why you may or may not want to fulfill responsibilities. When your mind says “I’m tired” or “I don’t want to do this,” your feelings align with those thoughts. The good news is you can do what you need to do, even if you don’t feel like doing it. When strongholds come against your mind, it is important to push forward in fulfilling your responsibilities. It’s important to understand that just because you don’t want to do something, does not relinquished from the responsibility of actually doing it.

Forgiveness Friday – Feeling Anger

This week focuses on forgiveness of feeling angry. Anger is something that we as humans all encounter at one time or another in our lives. The cliché phrase says, “anger is one letter away from danger.” We can we can control our anger if we begin to recognize the source of the anger. Anger arises as a direct result of not dealing with something head-on. Feeling angry is not the issue; rather the issue comes from acting on our anger. When you begin to feel feelings of anger, take a moment to think about why the feelings of anger have come into your mind. Take minute for going deeper to find the source. Take 60 seconds and ask yourself three questions. Why am I angry? Is this anger the result of an action from another? Have I had any participation and the results of their actions? Try to find the core of your angry feelings. You will begin to realize how to allow for those angry feelings to subside or calm down. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with feeling anger, the question is what you do as a result of your feelings of being angry.

Monday Morning Mindset

This week focuses on getting yourself off your mind. Too often we focus on our own problems. Things we have to do, obligations and priorities take over our lives. Being a responsible person doesn’t mean focusing solely on your own problems, there comes a time where you realize that the best thing you could do to help yourself is to help somebody else. Helping others provides a sense of connection. Often, when we focus on helping somebody else, our problem subsides or rectifies its own self. Instead of focusing on your own problems, help somebody else no matter how big or small. You’ll find that the problem that you’re focusing on will diminish or become insignificant. You may even find a solution to your problem when you put yourself aside and extend your hand to help somebody else.

Forgiveness Friday

This week focuses on forgiveness of “yourself for over complicating your life.” Way too many times we overcomplicate our life with expectations, obligations and insinuations. We overcomplicate our life by thinking that we are expected to be and do everything for everyone all the time. Within this mindset, obligations begin to bog us down and make us feel as though we have no choice in the situation. The truth of the matter is, when you start to insinuate requirements and bow down to obligations, unforgiveness starts to nest. This week, take some time to think about any expectations, obligations or insinuations being requested of you. Seek to find the root of these requests. Choose to forgive yourself for allowing expectations, obligations and insinuations to nest unforgiveness and your being.