Happy 6th Birthday to Lesbians Have to Eat, Too!

Happy sixth birthday to my very first published book “Lesbians Have to Eat, Too!” Six years ago today, I self-published my very first book – cookbook to be exact. Not only was this a huge accomplishment, but it was the edification of my ability to grow myself as a brand and share my ideas with the entire world. Many people don’t know how “Lesbians Have to Eat, Too!” came about as the concept for my first book. Being that I have sporadically shared the story with people that have asked me about the title and the stories of the recipes – you would learn I did not know how to cook. Which is what made this accomplishment all the more rewarding. For those of you that have not read my first book, “Lesbians Have to Eat, Too!” it is all about how I self taught myself how to cook. In “Lesbians Have to Eat, Too!” I wanted to be super transparent. Mission accomplished! “Lesbians Have to Eat, Too!” was birthed with the idea of sharing amusingly and comical stories about myself, my life and ultimately my family. The feedback over the years from those who have read the”Lesbians Have to Eat, Too!” has been enlightening and exciting. Many people have said that they purchased “Lesbians Have to Eat, Too!” for coffee table conversations, for their significant others, for those who need the basics on how to cook simple and healthy meals and overall for the pure fact that the title made them explode with laughter. Truth be told, the book took me three years to actually write, it was born of sticky notes and recipes gone bad. I want to thank my wonderful supportive wife who ate every meal whether it looked bad, tasted bad or even smelled bad. Through all of it, I realized it was ultimately necessary that I publish not just a cookbook, but a cookbook where I was intrinsically embedded in each individual page.  Thank you all for all of your love and support.  You are very much appreciated.

Happy sixth birthday to my very first edification of self transparency, “Lesbians Have to Eat, Too!”

Lesbians Have to Eat, Too! By: Dr. Jenice Armstead Professor & Author

Lesbians Have to Eat, Too! By:            Dr. Jenice Armstead

Dr. Jenice Armstead
Professor & Author
United States Navy Veteran

Amazon Purchase Information Click Here: Lesbians Have to Eat, Too!

Press Release: Pep Talks Answering the Hard Questions

Pep Talks: Answering the Hard Questions

Pep Talks: Answering the Hard Questions

The final book of Jenice Armstead’s first business series is finally here. Pep Talks: Answering the Hard Questions is the final book of a 5 part book interactive business series. This final book of the series addresses the “Hard Questions” interviewees may be asked during an interview.

The Pep Talks book series clarifies difficult interview questions as the reader focuses on their goals. This business series gets the reader moving in the right direction, and saves the reader time and efforts, with helping the reader narrow down what areas they may need assistance with the most. The series addresses all types of difficult interview questions that may be asked of the reader during an interview or during a conversation being had by an interviewer.

The Pep Talks book series are designed to assist the reader in planning, executing, and managing career goals and potential growth in the field of choice. Each section has interactive “fill in the blank” area for guiding the reader with critical thinking examples to assist with brainstorming and “Confidence Boosting Affirmations” providing the reader with constant motivation for obtaining the “dream career.”

The Pep Talks Book Series can serve the newly looking or the long-term job seeker with methods that will assist with the career search and provide motivation for future endeavors.

For information go to Pep Talks Book Series

Two-Cent Tuesday

As an employer or employee it is always good business sense to keep up with your knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) of your field of choice. There are plenty of business sites for increasing your knowledge and skill base. O*Net is a great place to start. O*Net has every and any job description you can think of which exists. Not only will you gain a healthy knowledge of the job description, but the site gives you information about similar jobs and salary or wage grades for the position. Empower yourself with knowledge and check out onetonline.org.

two cents

Press Release: Pep Talks Vol 4: Answering Training Questions

I am so exited to announce my latest book: PEP TALKS Vol 4 – Answering Training Questions! The “Pep Talks” Book Series, are a compilation of advice, insight, examples, sample interview questions and professional advice.

The Pep Talks Book Series clarifies difficult interview questions as the reader focuses on their goals.  The Pep Talks Book Series gets the reader moving in the right direction, and saves the reader time and effort, along with helping the reader narrow down what areas are in need of professional enhancement.  The Pep Talks Book Series addresses all types of difficult interview questions that may be asked of the reader during an interview or during a conversation being had by an interviewee.

It is important for the reader to understand that an interview can seemly happen at any given time or place, so it is good practice to have some “pre-set” answers to some of these questions to provide a more fluid professional appearance.  Nervousness often happens during interviews or with conversations with people whom are unfamiliar.

The Pep Talks Book Series are designed to assist the reader in planning, executing, and managing career goals and potential growth in the field of choice.  Each section has interactive “fill in the blank” area for guiding the reader with critical thinking examples to assist with brainstorming and “Confidence Boosting Affirmations” providing the reader with constant motivation for obtaining the “dream career.”

The Pep Talks Book Series can serve the newly looking or the long-term job seeker with methods that will assist with the career search and provide motivation for future endeavors

I know how hard the job market is, and I started this series to give you the “Pep Talk” that you need to keep your focus on your dreams and career goals!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE and SUPPORT! For more information about the Pep Talks book series go to Amazon.com

Pep Talks Vol 4: Answering Training Questions



Monday Morning Mindset

In a world full of upset and disappointment, it is encouraging to see positive views of your perception of what the world could be. Having worked for several large corporations and small businesses, the realization has come to me that it isn’t what you do – but how you do it. When you realize how invaluable you are, you begin to see the most positive sides of everything.

The other week I had the honor of meeting a complete stranger during an interview for a business contract. In perfect hindsight it seemed that we had no common denominator with one another. But, it is always important to look past what you see. This young woman shared her hardships with me about her starting to “go natural” with her hair. She asked about my natural hair journey and advice on what she could do. I answered her questions, but it was also put on my heart to tell her about my personal and emotional depletion with my natural hair journey. I told her how I have received many adverse comments and snide remarks about my hair and how the comments often made me feel. I shared how it was one of the hardest things I had ever done, yet one of the most freeing things I had done for my Spirit. She started crying uncontrollably and I asked her if I could give her a hug. She agreed, and then we both sobbed together for a few minutes.

For a moment we shared the same pain, discord and upset about “going natural.” But, it was much more than that, we sobbed about not being accepted by society, low self-esteem and our overall feeling about how our “nappy” hair made us feel. She apologized, for being “silly” and crying. I told her that it wasn’t silly, and that sometimes you just need for someone else to simply understand your pain. She thanked me and I was honored to have shared that moment of human empathy with her.

There is freedom in sharing the truth, no matter how painful it may seem. If we took a little more time to share in each others pain, the healing for each one of us could infect the world with more love.




The Government Shutdown is Finally Over

The government shutdown is finally over, for now. The Senate and the House of Representatives only delayed the debit instead of implementing a debit increase. This simple means that the United States still has to pay its bills. If the bills are not paid, there will be another government shutdown in December. Just in time for the holiday season. I’m sure Jesus never wanted to celebrate his birthday by putting millions of people in a state of anxiety, depression and upset. The fact of the matter is there are government legislation bills that must be implemented now in order to prevent another government shutdown happening.

Thinking about this gives people some real perspective on how to make small changes for the better in the financial stability of their own household. If we take this as a learning opportunity, then everyone must take a hard look at his or her financial backbone. How are you spending your money? Are you spending in more places where you should be instead saving it? Have you used your credit card like an imaginary money dispenser? Do you know what the APR is on each credit card(s)?

Here is your challenge: Take some time out and do a budget for yourself or for your family. Write down the monthly expenses and payments you make on your loan(s)/credit card(s). You will be surprised at what you don’t know about your finances. Be empowered, and learn from the federal government shutdown. You have the power to change your life for the better.

For more information on creating a budget go to: Creating a Budget



Unemployment Benefits: Putting to Rest the Rumors


The 2013 Government Shutdown has caused many federal agencies to send workers home without pay or until further notice.  The question has come up if employees are eligible for unemployment benefits?  The answer to this question is: YES!  If you are ever fired or displaced from a position due to any other content other than your own accord you are eligible for unemployment benefits.  Unemployment benefits are just that … a benefit and a right of the worker.  Each state regulates for employers to pay unemployment insurance for all workers.  Contrary to what the news or peers may say, you are eligible for unemployment benefits under these circumstances:

  • If you are fired from your job
  • If you are laid off from your job
  • If your company furloughs your position
  • If your company conducts a Reduction in Forces (RIF)

Unemployment is processed differently depending on the state you file your claim in.  The unemployment amount depends on how much you earned at the position you are displaced from.  Overall, filing for unemployment insurance for most states starts with filling out an online application.

Know your rights.  For more on unemployment insurance go to the Department of Labor

The Federal Government Shut Down: Why It’s Really Happening

The federal government has officially shut down. It has been 17 years since the last federal government shut down; many citizens are misguided and misinformed with bogus reasons for this federal government shut down. The Federal Budget Committee has come to a census for a 6-month plan for the American Debt, but it has been rejected. The budget is only half of the reason for this federal shutdown. In addition, Republicans want to suspend the Affordable Healthcare Act for 1 year. What many Americans need to understand is that the Affordable Healthcare Act has been implemented as of today, and it is here to stay. You can go to www.healthcare.gov to enroll into a healthcare plan that fits your needs for your financial status. Here are some facts about the Affordable Healthcare Act:

  • The Affordable Healthcare Act is not a government ran program, you may choose your own plan and provider.
  • Healthcare is mandatory, but now it is affordable no matter your income status

The truth be told, the federal government shut down is a bulling tactic by the Republics that voted against fair negations of policy for the American people. Many federal and government workers will be furloughed with suspended or delayed pay. This is not the way to show how democracy works, it is the duty of those elected into office to keep their constituents in mind when creating, implementing or destroying a policy which will effect the entire Nation. The bare bones facts of the situation are that “Obama Care” is one of the best healthcare policies since the implementation of Social Security. Why wouldn’t you enroll in a more affordable healthcare program? Change has come, and it is time to embrace it – not to fight against it.


For more information about the Affordable Healthcare Act go to healthcare.gov
All the Best,