This week focuses on developing structure. It is important to develop structure in our lives to become practical about the realizations of our dreams and goals. We all want to strive and grow in our relationships, business field and emotional health. It is important to take time out to critically think about what makes you happy in your life. Think about the joy of doing what you love to do in your life. We all have aspirations of “coming up higher” in our awareness for our own greatness. Make sure to make a daily, weekly or a monthly habit of practically attaining your dreams and goals. Listen to your inner voice and take note of your hunches and gut feelings. When you take time to think about attaining your goals in a practical and structured manner you were able to assist with defining your path for success.
Category Archives: Self Improvement
Forgiveness Friday – Making Excuses
This week focuses on forgiveness for making excuses. Excuses are like opinions, everybody has one. The problem comes when we make excuses for things that we know we should be doing for ourselves in our lives. You may be making excuses for reasons for why you’re in debt instead of making a plan on how to get out of debt. You may be making excuses for why you can’t lose weight instead of focusing on eating healthy. You may be making excuses for why you haven’t received a promotion at work instead of improving your job skills by obtaining more education or on the job training. No matter your excuse the only way to find a solution for the problem is to forgive yourself for making excuses and come up with a plan on how to obtain your goals. Many times when we face something head on and stop making excuses for it we become an inspiration for others. Many people struggle with similar problems. Instead of focusing on making excuses, focus on how to overcome your excuses with solutions.
Monday Morning Mindset – Setting Your Mind
This week focuses on setting your mind and keeping it set. Focusing your mind is easier than it sounds. Some key elements to assist with focusing the mind are to outline your goals for a specific time line. When you have set goals you are able to achieve more and be more productive. Way too often we take on new projects or responsibilities with no outline of the objectives or goals towards attaining the goal. Whether you have a daily schedule, a weekly schedule, or a monthly schedule it is important to outline your goals with specific timelines to allow you to allocate appropriate time towards achieving the goals. This is a tool for setting your mind to complete the goal, and then keeping it set on completing your objectives for achieving the goal.
Forgiveness Friday – The Complaining Habit
This week focuses on releasing the complaining habit. In these times that we live in, complaining is something of the normal for people to do without thinking. Complaining obstructs your ability to see the good in the situation or a relationship. By complaining you allow negative thoughts and adverse actions to be welcomed into your personal arena. Forgiveness of the complaining habit is something that needs to be done on purpose and with an active conscious thought. The moment you think or feel a reason to complain about a situation or person, take a moment and think about the goodness of the situation or the relationship. Instead of complaining about where you’re not and past failures, think about how far you’ve come and the accomplishments you’ve made. Keeping a positive attitude is part of the development of releasing the complaining habit in your life. A spiritual advisor informed me that complaining is a close relative to offense. Offense is something that may come about in many situations where you have a good reason, but the key is to not reason with complaints and offenses rather than to release them. Forgive yourself for easily complaining and easily be offended. It is now time to focus on doing more good and speaking more positivity into your life.
Monday Morning Mindset – Doing What You Need To Do
This week focuses on doing what you need to when you don’t feel like doing it. We all have responsibilities, which we have designated or allocated our time for. Whether it is to attend a business meeting, go to the gym, clean your house, help a friend or set-aside time for personal responsibilities. We all have times where we don’t feel like fulfilling our responsibilities. This is when you need to ensure you are aware of your thoughts behind your feelings of discarding responsibilities. It’s important to understand that your mind is not mutually exclusive from your feelings. Your mind has the tendency to create reasoning and doubt for why you may or may not want to fulfill responsibilities. When your mind says “I’m tired” or “I don’t want to do this,” your feelings align with those thoughts. The good news is you can do what you need to do, even if you don’t feel like doing it. When strongholds come against your mind, it is important to push forward in fulfilling your responsibilities. It’s important to understand that just because you don’t want to do something, does not relinquished from the responsibility of actually doing it.
Forgiveness Friday – Feeling Anger
This week focuses on forgiveness of feeling angry. Anger is something that we as humans all encounter at one time or another in our lives. The cliché phrase says, “anger is one letter away from danger.” We can we can control our anger if we begin to recognize the source of the anger. Anger arises as a direct result of not dealing with something head-on. Feeling angry is not the issue; rather the issue comes from acting on our anger. When you begin to feel feelings of anger, take a moment to think about why the feelings of anger have come into your mind. Take minute for going deeper to find the source. Take 60 seconds and ask yourself three questions. Why am I angry? Is this anger the result of an action from another? Have I had any participation and the results of their actions? Try to find the core of your angry feelings. You will begin to realize how to allow for those angry feelings to subside or calm down. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with feeling anger, the question is what you do as a result of your feelings of being angry.
Monday Morning Mindset
This week focuses on getting yourself off your mind. Too often we focus on our own problems. Things we have to do, obligations and priorities take over our lives. Being a responsible person doesn’t mean focusing solely on your own problems, there comes a time where you realize that the best thing you could do to help yourself is to help somebody else. Helping others provides a sense of connection. Often, when we focus on helping somebody else, our problem subsides or rectifies its own self. Instead of focusing on your own problems, help somebody else no matter how big or small. You’ll find that the problem that you’re focusing on will diminish or become insignificant. You may even find a solution to your problem when you put yourself aside and extend your hand to help somebody else.
Forgiveness Friday
This week focuses on forgiveness of “yourself for over complicating your life.” Way too many times we overcomplicate our life with expectations, obligations and insinuations. We overcomplicate our life by thinking that we are expected to be and do everything for everyone all the time. Within this mindset, obligations begin to bog us down and make us feel as though we have no choice in the situation. The truth of the matter is, when you start to insinuate requirements and bow down to obligations, unforgiveness starts to nest. This week, take some time to think about any expectations, obligations or insinuations being requested of you. Seek to find the root of these requests. Choose to forgive yourself for allowing expectations, obligations and insinuations to nest unforgiveness and your being.
Happy 1st Birthday Pep Talks Vol. 4
Pep Talks Vol 4 – Answering Training Questions provides the reader with an overview of different training questions an employer may ask the candidate. The Pep Talks Book Series is an introduction to a new way of interviewing and obtaining a job in today’s competitive market. The Pep Talks Book Series is all about giving the reader an advantage over their competitors when working toward the goal of gaining more knowledge and understanding in this new job market. This new job market is all about unconventional ways of obtaining knowledge while gaining the desired employment. The Pep Talks Book Series explains how the new Job market knowledge and understanding how to better improve the chances of being “individually recognized” as a professional are vital. The Pep Talks Book Series assists with building job confidence and self-esteem along with providing detailed examples for the reader to use for interviews. The Pep Talks Book Series are designed to assist the reader in planning, executing, and managing their own career and potential growth in their field of choice. Each section has an interactive “fill in the blank” area for guiding the reader with critical thinking activity examples to assist with brainstorming, and “Confidence Boosters” provide the reader with constant motivation for obtaining their “dream career.” The Pep Talks Book Series can serve the newly looking or the long-term job seeker with methods that will assist with the career search and provide motivation for future endeavors. The entire Pep Talks series is dedicated to the job seeker. Whether newly looked, or experience professional Pep Talks has something for everyone.
Happy 1st Birthday to Pep Talks Vol 4 – Answering Training Questions
Monday Morning Mindset – Creating Healthy Habits
This week focuses on creating healthy habits. Healthy habits supply us with the ability to stay focused and sustained self-ability, creativity, awareness and an understanding of self-consciousness. When you create healthy habits you allow yourself to decide to do something on purpose and walk with purpose. Purpose allows us to facilitate our own personal growth and development both professionally and with interpersonal relationships. Many times we focus on the habits that we consider bad habits. When you focus on creating, having and allowing yourself to develop healthy habits you focus on the positive abilities for your life, instead of the things that you still have to work on. It’s important to focus on past achievements in order for you to grow and develop a healthy dialogue for healthy habit achievements. A healthy habit can be learning how to talk positive to oneself, exercising for 15 minutes a day, or increasing nutritional balance. All of these examples of healthy habits allow for other parts of your life to grow and develop in a sustainable way. Instead of focusing on what you’ve done wrong or things you still have to do, start focusing on creating healthy habits within your life no matter how big or small.
Forgiveness Friday – Small Things
This weeks’ Forgiveness Friday focuses on forgiveness of the small things. Many times in relationships we allow little things to slip into the arena of unforgiveness within our minds. When your spouse forgets to make the bed up and rushes out the door without giving you a kiss goodbye, it is then you need to choose to forgive. When your friend forgets an appointment with you, it is then you need to choose to forgive. When your books don’t come in on time for the first day of class, it is then you need to choose to forgive. Way too often we think that forgiveness is solely reserved for something, which involves deceitfulness, betrayal, or any other life changing event. But, the truth is forgiveness is for everything, including the small things. When you choose to forgive the small things, you’re choosing to release the ability for small things to add up to a huge explosion of laired unforgiveness. Make a point to be consciously aware of the small things that are in need of forgiveness within your life.
Monday Morning Mindset
This week focuses on “getting back on track.” Many times we are often faced with challenges in our life that may cause us to get off track of accomplishing our life goals. Understanding that the false voice within you is contradictory to getting you back on track toward your life goals. This means having to re-establish your intentions of your life goals. It is healthy for us to accept past experiences as lessons learned, rather than failures. Using this intuitive thought allows you to get back on track quickly. Use your past experiences as immediate feedback for you to reflect upon what not to do in the future. Take some time and dig into the core reason you need want to re-establish your original goals. It’s important to realize that there is no such thing as failure if you look at the experience as life learned lessons pushing you toward a successful future.
Forgiveness Friday: False Voice
This weeks’ Forgiveness Friday focuses on the forgiveness of thinking that the false voice within your thoughts has any power of your current outcomes and situation. Many of us have false voices within us that express and bring forth feelings of anxiety, burden, judgment and even blocker clarity. A key to understanding the signs of the false voice within oneself is to recognize the voice as ego expressing itself through the presence of fear in your life. This happens when you go “against the grain” and do something new or against family traditions. Habits and past experiences attribute to the false voice and may leave you feeling empty or without progress. Recognize and realize that the false voice of fear within you needs and requires your forgiveness. Pay attention to your thoughts throughout the day; discern sensations by using the feeling of how your body senses the presence of the false voice within your thoughts. Start by replacing the false voice of fear with thoughts of past accomplishments and future goals. Make a list of all the things that you have accomplished and overcome them keep this list on a small piece of paper, which you can access easily. This method will help you to manage and understand when the false voice of fear comes into your thoughts. It will allow you to instantly forgive yourself for thinking those thoughts. Allow forgiveness itself to be an encouragement for future goals and aspirations that you have for your life.
Types of Interview Questions Employers Can Ask
Interview questions are used to help the selecting official of a business or company to make a decision on whom would be the best pick for a job position. There are many varieties of questions that may be asked to include: General questions, yes or no questions, part questions, Open – ended questions, scenario questions, and general questions.
General questions consists of simple informal information. Some examples of general questions are “What is your full legal name? Do you have any other alias you go by? Where do you live? What were your previous jobs?” These are simple questions that really have nothing to do with the interview itself.
Yes or no questions are normally asked in an written application form, such as the initial application. A yes or no question example is “Are you available for morning shifts? Do you have ample transportation? Do you have a passport?” All yes or no questions have an opportunity to be explained if need be. An example of a explainable yes or no question is “Are you a convicted felon? If yes, please explain your convictions.”
Part questions are the questions that have separate parts to them and are used to establish personality or behavior. A good part question example is “What is your definition of a leader and give an example when you were in a leadership role for an organization? This could be a trick question, in the sense of seeing if you are being factual toward the information in your resume you provide. Or it could be way for the interviewer to get a better idea of how your professional mind works. Either way, it is important to take your time answering these questions.
Open – ended questions are questions that give you an opportunity to explain how you may or may not handle a situation or event by telling a story of events. An open – ended question may help with seeing how you will handle stressful situations. An example of an open – ended question is “What do you feel would be a good resolution to an employee conflict?” or “Why do you believe you are the best candidate for this position?” These are just a few examples, which are used for open – ended questions.
Scenario questions are the most common, these questions consist of a series of questions designed to show your responses and how you would handle a series of events happening at one time. A good example of a scenario question is “Give me an example of a time where you had to handle a conflict situation? What was the conflict? Whom did the conflict happen with? What was your involvement? What did you do to resolve the conflict and how was the conflict resolved? Most of the time the interviewer will repeat the question if the candidate needs it repeated. It is recommended that the applicant write the questions down as they are being asked of them.
Happy Interviewing
Monday Morning Mindset
This week’s topic is “Developing Your Inner Voice.” Developing your inner voice is important because it makes you aware of your thoughts. When you’re more aware of your thoughts, you’re more aware of your intentions and goals. When you’re more aware of your intentions and goals you’re more aware of the steps you must take in order to achieve those intentions and goals. When you’re more aware of the steps you must take, you then begin to develop your inner voice with a focus on positive outcomes of your thoughts. Many of us have more negative voices than positive voices, which interrupt our daily thoughts. Instead of focusing on negative things or things you don’t want to happen, this week try focusing on positive things and things you do want to happen. For an example instead of saying “I don’t want to be late for work” you can say, “I’m will leave earlier to get to work on time.” You can change your mindset, which will change your ability to act, which changes the outcome for what you believe is possible.
Wisdom Wednesday – The Harvest Mindset
This morning my mind is on the “Harvest.” I had a conversation with my spouse that made me rethink the “Harvest.” She explained to me that when “one” plants a seed of a tree, “one” must wait for the tree to take roots and grow. Then once the tree is strongly rooted it will start to sprout and grow, but it still must take deeper roots in order to bear fruit for harvesting. This whole process takes a while. In order to have a strongly rooted tree, there must be some deep roots. This is the same for Spirit, in order for the things in life to take root, the seed of the Spirit must break open and go deeper. It is in the “going deeper” that growth happens. The “wilderness” is always dark, but the “harvest” always comes to light when the time is right. My choice is to enjoy the fact that I am “going deeper” for my roots to be firmly planted. The struggle comes with asking the questions of “why is this process taking so long?” The true of the matter is, Spirit is aware of the time needed – flesh is the one struggling with impatience. I choose to enjoy the seeding, the rooting and the growing.
Interview Questions – How to Answer The Hard Ones with Ease
How do you work under pressure?
Interview questions are used to help the selecting official of a business or company to make a decision on whom would be the best pick for a job position. There are many varieties of questions that may be asked to include: General questions, yes or no questions, behavior questions, Open – ended questions, scenario questions, and general questions. The question of “How do you work under pressure?” is sure to come up during the duration of an interview.
This is a question that causes many people to feel intimidated because they are not exactly sure what to say or what not to say. Working under pressure is a skill, not everyone is able to work under pressure. It is important to state that. By stating this fact, you are showing the interview panel or manager that you have an understanding of what working under pressure consists of. You are showing them that you understand that not everyone is able to work under pressure; this is where you show off your skills and start to talk about what working under pressure means to you. You can give examples of times where you were required to work under pressure.
While you speak about your experience with working under pressure it is important to give specific time and job positions where you worked under pressure. This shows the interview panel that you took that situation seriously and that you are more than capable of working under pressure. Even if you are not asked to do so, be sure to give the situation of when you worked under pressure, the outcome of your working under pressure and what the result was of the event, which you were working under pressure.
This is a difficult interview question to answer, but if you come mentally prepared to answer this question you are sure to impress the interview panel or manager as well as give yourself a reminder of how competent you are and reaffirming your professional ability. Happy job hunting, you can do or be anything you want with persistence.
Monday Morning Mindset
Today’s Mindful Monday focuses on living courageously. In the face of adversity and with fear slathered all over your physical body, you must come to the cross roads of “Living Courageously” and “Fear.” Living courageously takes you toward your intention and awareness. Fear pushes you away from your goals. In order to live courageously one must be able to understand that you will fail, and you will have to start over at times. But, it is in the starting over and the failing were you realize your true nature. Your true nature is searching for the ability to live more courageously than the day before. Living courageously is something you embrace, knowing that the result will be for your benefit.
Forgiveness Friday: Going Deeper
Forgiveness is something that has been given to us freely by the Higher Source. Through forgiveness we are able to freely receive the ability to be our true selves. When we begin to understand the power of forgiveness, we are able to ultimately receive from the Higher Source, all which is possible in this life experience. When you have the ability to forgive, you have the ability to receive. Within our humanistic self, forgiveness seems to be difficult and unfair at times. The humanistic experience expresses that forgiveness as something which is hard, but in the spiritual realm forgiveness is something that is ultimately easy. It is important to take a “pause” within our daily and busy lives to identify “triggers” where un-forgiveness may hide. Within our spirits are able to identify where forgiveness may sometimes be held hostage within our bodies. Allowing un-forgiveness to dwell in ones body, causes the body to deteriorate faster than it would if truth and unconditional love dwelled in the body. This Forgiveness Friday focuses on the ability to “go deeper” within oneself and find “pieces” of un-forgiveness within oneself. Begin to release them in order to receive a more prosperous life experience, by choosing to forgive, one is choosing to receive. Do yourself a favor, and forgive.
Monday Morning Mindset
Forgiveness is the key to releasing validation issues in your life. The freedom to forgive allows people to move on with their lives, and allows for goodness to flow through their life experiences and into their soul. I realized in my life that forgiveness is something that is given freely with no expectations of acknowledgment of the hurt a person has objected upon my life. Forgiveness is best experienced in the awareness of one’s own truth about self. It takes a lot of courage to forgive somebody freely for hurts unspoken of. God forgives us freely, and then graces us with the ability to forgive others freely. We are to forgive in remembrance of Him, for He has forgiven us over and over for things that we’ve done. Forgiveness is the key.